Newsletter #1

About TheRout_Net
TheRout_Net is a strategic project funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014/2020 Programme
that aims to promote thematic tourism across Greece and Italy through the valorisation of
cultural and historical itineraries and routes characterized by a slow fruition, through a complex
action plan of material and immaterial interventions, favouring the tourism seasonal adjustment
in the cross-border area.

Project Partners
Region of Epirus
Region of Western Greece
Region of Ionian Islands
Ephorate of Antiquities of Achaea
Puglia Region – Department of Tourism, Economy of Culture and Valorisation of Territory

TheRout_Net aims to restore old facilities and important cultural monuments in Greece and
Puglia, develop and promote thematic tourism by exploiting the existing natural and cultural
resources and enrich tourism products and services. In particular, TheRout_Net will:
– Focus on the preservation, promotion, re-use and integrated utilization of significant
building stock and natural resource development infrastructures;
– Promote thematic tourism, sustainability and seasonal adjustment within the cross-
border area;
– Brand building techniques to enhance the endogenous potential in a sustainable way
aiming to attract new visitors.

The project will support the restoration of important cultural monuments and old facilities,
located in strategic positions, aiming to create and valorise thematic tourism and thematic routes
– Exploiting the existing natural and cultural cross-border resources;
– Identifying and assessing cross-border assets and drawbacks;
– Establishing a cross-border Joint Brand Strategy;
– Upgrading the quality of cross-border tourism accommodation;
– Disseminating outcomes to attract new target groups from the global tourism demand.

Project Duration
27/09/2019 – 30/09/2023

Total Budget Project
€ 21.115.000,00
E.R.D.F. Contribution
€ 17.947.750,00
National Contribution
€ 3.167.250,00


September 2019 / November 2023
€ 21.115.000,00
€ 17.947.750,00
€ 3.167.250,00

This project is co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Fund (E.R.D.F.) and by National Funds of Greece and Italy.

All photos and videos are property of the institution that provides them. Puglia Region, as a partner in charge of publishing TheRout_Net contents, does not assume any responsibility for copyrighted material provided by project partners without authorization. The responsibility rests with the partner who provides the material.
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